Thursday, February 2, 2012

2012 Predictions, Polar Shift, Planteray Alignment

Once every 25,765 years a profound cosmic event intersects our world. This cosmic intersection is called the Procession of the Equinox. In 2012 this event is made more complex by the galactic alignment that will coincide with it. Our planet will align with others in our solar system and they will then align with the center of the Milky Way galaxy. This is a rare and highly fortunate moment of destiny for the people of this world, although it might not seem that way during much of the next 7 to 10 years.

No soul that is alive on this earth during this time period when the next Procession occurs is alive by chance. In fact, NOTHING happens by chance, even though it would seem that the hazards of chance are unfurling everywhere.
What is actually unfurling now is the moment of opportunity for humankind to show her true colors in the better, not worse sense. Astronomy and the fate of humankind will converge in the near future, and those who have either refused to heed the many warnings, or who helped to suppress the truth and thus prohibit humanity from being properly prepared will most certainly expire first in the heat and raining debris. This is God‘s Will.
Earth’s population will soon be tested to their own nuclear cores, just as is the population of Japan at this time, as the long predicted earth changes and disasters begin to multiply across the face of the earth in the next 8 to 10 years.
The worst of these natural disasters and the re-configuring of the earth’s crust itself will take place during the time period between 2012 and 2019, with the “season of great agony” erupting across the surface in the spring and summer months of 2015 when solar super storms will sear the earth’s surface with great blasts of extraordinary heat, killing off millions who cannot find underground shelter in time.
The absolute KEY to surviving what is coming is to anchor oneself in the firm grasp of a Higher Heavenly Authority which will grab your soul and tether it to the Will of God. If you resist this process you may not make it. If you submit and surrender to this process then your chances of survival are TREMENDOUSLY enhanced and the future becomes a joy ride rather than a doorway to death.
The Initiation of Humanity into the Presence of God 2012 – 2019
Will you sink into negativity and despair as these events unfold, or hold fast to the inner Light you have garnered thus far, and wisely tie yourself to the eternal ship of a new and undisclosed spiritual fate?t’s easy to remain spiritually centered when life does not challenge you. But when you begin to see and bear witness to incredible disasters and great human suffering all around the world, how will you hold yourself erect?  2011 is the “gateway year” to the seven years of the testing of men’s souls: the period which has been called the “Great Tribulation.”
No matter what your spiritual belief system is, you now need to access a deeper level of inner resolve and fortitude, just to be able to witness what comes next. For myself, I have a way of praying that involves solitude, deep rest, quiet inner listening and attentive communion with the Presence of the Heavenly Father.
Resting in that Presence, I know that we, humanity, as a species, are having this experience for profound reasons and that it is a “once in an eon” blessing to be alive at this time.
You, me, we, we are NOT our bodies. Neither are we “consumers” or any other limiting label which tries to draw a small box around expanding consciousness to corral it’s expressions. We are all unique and precious living souls, individual living expressions of a Cosmic Divine Life seeking to understand it’s own existence and to exalt and expand that existence into greater and deeper realms in the universe, to examine and investigate worlds without end, to experiment with infinite permutations of Eternity in joy.
Just exactly as computers outgrow old operating systems, humanity is now literally outgrowing the former limited expressions of life which have contained and suppressed the inner Divine Light‘s urge to grow, to know, and to go into more advanced stages of thought, feeling, emotion and spirituality.
Humanity 1.0 is going to be re-folded and re-made into humanity 2.0 in the next 20 to 30 years, and parts of the old programs just won’t make it into the new paradigm. Let go of fear and embrace the Spirit of Truth which can and will carry you through this experience in Grace.
Remember once more what it is to pray, to be grateful, to appreciate every waking and sleeping moment of life as it has been given to us to live. Rejoice. The end is not upon us, but the new beginning is.

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