Nostradamus was born in France in 1503, he was a pharmacist, a healer till around 1550 he became interested in occult sciences and started writing almanacs. He became famous for these and many people came to him for horoscopes and psychic advice. He began summarizing his prophecies and writing them in quatrains
which is a four lines poetic para in French. He compiled around a
thousand of these undated quatrains into a book called “The Prophecies” which is very famous even today. Many have found most of these predictions have been
accurate and his prophecies are highly regarded by astrologers and in
many occult circles.
Nostradamus's 2012 prophecies are gaining alot of attention from people all over the globe due to the current year is 2012 and many of his predictions seem to match other predictions found in the bible, the Mayans, and Gnostic texts. His predictions for 2012 draw a dark, global destruction caused by a comet. It is not clear whether this comet will strike the earth or will pass
very close to our planet, causing massive earthquakes and other
cataclysmic occurrences.But all interpreters are united on the opinion of a comet which will come somewhere in December 2012.
Nostradamus writes – “In the sky will be seen a great fire dragging a trail of sparks”. This to some clearly suggest a comet and many believe that it will be very big in size, which in deed it needs to be to bring the world to an end as we know it. Nostradamus also suggest that because of the massive destruction, there will be widespread anarchy and certain nations will take advantage and drive the world into a third world war. Nostradamus writes – “King of terror shall come from the sky. He will bring
to life the King of Mongols.”some have interpreted that after the coming of the comet China will gain
prominence and may begin attacking countries to gain supremacy. His predictions also gives an indication of the fate of certain nations, and
how long the comet will be seen in the skies. He writes – “The Great
Star will blaze for Seven days” meaning the comet will be very near the
earth for seven days and nights. Further he says – “The Huge dog will
howl at night, when the great pontiff will change lands”. The great dog
is interpreted to be the United Kingdom by many, and the writing
suggests its destruction. "The pontiff is taken to be the pope and hence
Rome too will be destroyed."
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