Apparently, the Mayans predicted the Earthquake
in Japan and therefore many fatalists are asking,
could 2012 be the real deal?
Most religions and cultures share a perception that things as we know them, won’t last forever. Countless predictions have been made about how it’s all going to go down and again, most cultures and religions coincide in that it will not be a pretty thing.
According to scholars who have studied what was left of Mayan writings after the Spaniards ravaged them to shreds and burned every book they could find, the Mayans used the movement of the cosmos as tale tell signs of what was going to happen to us here on Earth.
The Mayans created calendars based on their calculations and came up with nine cycles, which span from the origin of the earth, to its “end.”
True or not, we have to hand it to the Mayans: they knew a ridiculous lot about stars. For instance, they calculated the exact duration of a year to a thousandth of a decimal point, before math was a popular subject taught in schools. Also, they were able to predict every solar and lunar eclipse up to this day. Most intriguing, December 21 2012 is, cosmically speaking, a day unlike any other; it will be the winter solstice, and the Sun will sit precisely on the heavenly crossroads between the Milky Way and the galactic equinox, forming a perfect alignment with the center of the galaxy.
According to the Mayan scriptures, the world has gone through all nine cycles each one ending with a bang. The first cycle was ended by a jaguar eating everyone on Earth, the second cycle ended in air, the third cycle, which started 41 million years ago was completed with fire, the fourth cycle, the cycle of “mind” was ended with a flood some hundred thousand years ago… you get the idea.
Most religions and cultures share a perception that things as we know them, won’t last forever. Countless predictions have been made about how it’s all going to go down and again, most cultures and religions coincide in that it will not be a pretty thing.
According to scholars who have studied what was left of Mayan writings after the Spaniards ravaged them to shreds and burned every book they could find, the Mayans used the movement of the cosmos as tale tell signs of what was going to happen to us here on Earth.
The Mayans created calendars based on their calculations and came up with nine cycles, which span from the origin of the earth, to its “end.”
True or not, we have to hand it to the Mayans: they knew a ridiculous lot about stars. For instance, they calculated the exact duration of a year to a thousandth of a decimal point, before math was a popular subject taught in schools. Also, they were able to predict every solar and lunar eclipse up to this day. Most intriguing, December 21 2012 is, cosmically speaking, a day unlike any other; it will be the winter solstice, and the Sun will sit precisely on the heavenly crossroads between the Milky Way and the galactic equinox, forming a perfect alignment with the center of the galaxy.
According to the Mayan scriptures, the world has gone through all nine cycles each one ending with a bang. The first cycle was ended by a jaguar eating everyone on Earth, the second cycle ended in air, the third cycle, which started 41 million years ago was completed with fire, the fourth cycle, the cycle of “mind” was ended with a flood some hundred thousand years ago… you get the idea.
Here’s where things get spooky: The last cycle or wave, the “Unity” cycle ended on March 9 2011, and the Mayans predicted it would end with a massive earthquake. The massive Japanese earthquake occurred on the 10th of March.
In Mayan culture, time was cyclical, meaning that one end, inevitably leads to a new beginning. Each cycle is divided in 13 equal segments that are called days and nights . 1st day, 1st night, 2nd day, 2nd night etc. These days and nights describe how quickly change, cosmic evolution if you may, comes to us. For instance, in the time of the first wave, change would happen at a rate of every 1.2 billion years. The rate of change of the days and nights increase with each progression of new waves of consciousness.
If we go back to the cycle spanning 1755 – 1999, these days and nights lasted about two decades, meaning dramatic changes in consciousness happened every 20 years. During this wave of consciousness the world was learning about power.
Since 1999, days and nights and the great changes in consciousness attached to them have happened every year. The cycle that ended the day before the catastrophe in Japan, was about Ethics – everything coming into integrity. Anything not in integrity was discarded.
We saw this illustrated as citizens of the Middle East teared down corrupt governments, and with Wikileaks exposing the widespread virus that is lack of integrity.
Starting in March 9th, 2011 we begin the Cycle of Unity of Consciousness, with days and nights that last 18 days!
This is the time when humanity will transcend duality – us and them, good and bad, etc. and merge into Unity of Consciousness.
There are some differences in opinion when this new Age officially begins, how many cycles there are, who said what, who interpreted what, what is accurate, what is bologna; At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter. Look outside and to the facts that don’t discriminate against cultures or religions, and lets all agree that a great shift is upon the world, and it is happening now.
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